Services We Offer

Sponsored Residential Support

Sponsored Residential Support offers the same services, benefits, and protections available in a group home but we are able to achieve this in the comfort and intimacy of a family setting. Individuals are welcomed with open arms as roommates or even a family member, rather than a client or patient. They are included in family get-togethers, reunions, holiday observances, church functions, and community activities.

Community Integration

Serenity C & C, Inc. provides Community Integration activities that are chosen and set forth by the individual when their person-centered plan is developed. Community engagement activities foster and enhance the skills needed to build positive social behavior. There is a strong emphasis on interpersonal confidence, increased independence, employability and job willingness. Personal choice is encouraged to enable individual access to the same activities and functions as the general population. These activities are conducted at naturally occurring times and in a variety of natural settings in which the person actively interacts with individuals without disabilities (other than those paid to support the person). The activities enhance the person's involvement with the community and facilitate the development of natural supports. These services cannot take place in a licensed residential setting or in the individual's residence and is provided based on a ratio of no more than one staff per three individuals. Community Integration will be provided in the least restrictive and most integrated settings according to the individual’s person-centered plan and individual choice. 

RBT Coming Soon!

Registered Behavioral Technicians
Board Certified Behavioral Analysis

About ABA

This service is for individuals with developmental, cognitive, intellectual, processing, communication, or behavioral support needs. Our ABA program is designed to help families support their children or adolescents in a variety of areas. These areas include (but are not limited to) behavior support, improving communication, safety awareness and support, and activities of daily living skills. Serenity C & C Inc. is a leading provider of ABA services in Virginia. Our highly qualified staff consists of BCBAs, and behavior assistants. We provide evidenced-based interventions that are individualized to meet the unique needs of each child. 
Our program mission is to facilitate: 
Helping families to increase the child/adolescent age level independence 
Supportive functioning with the least restrictive interventions 
Assisting the child/adolescent to be able to live in the least restrictive environment 
Increasing the family's happiness, functioning, safety, and security 
Direct one-to-one, in-Center based ABA services 
Individualized behavior plans 

Some Examples of Program Goals: 
Increase in Age Level Communication 
Verbal Behavior 
Social Skills Development 
Manding and Tacting 
Augmentative Communication Methods 
Increase in Age Level Behavior 
Develop Substitute Behaviors to those Interfering with Functioning 
Decrease Aggression 
Increase Coping Skills 
Increase Compliance and Direction Following

Increase Recognition of Unsafe Behavior 
Decrease Self Injurious Behavior 
Increase Self-Regulation 
Develop a Better Understanding of Safety Awareness in Public 
Maintain in Area 
Activities of Daily Living Skills 
Independent Living Skills 
Functional Skills in the Community

All interventions are developed based on a Functional Behavior Assessment using research-based assessment tools and may include language and skill assessments such as the VB-MAPP, ABLLS, Vineland, or FBA.